Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Hi good people!

Multimillion greetings filled with lots of love, special remembrances and goodwishes. Welcome to my blog. The journey has been long in coming and approach. Technology is finally catching up with me after all the fight I put up. I finally decided to embrace it and I do so with full steam!

And so As a man thinketh is the product of a subdued man, one who has been boxed down by shadows of time and experience. He accepts the defeat gracefully though and embraces the new spirit for the sake of his own life and progress.

This blog is the platform where I hope to share life lessons in an interactive way which critiques and improves on them. It is an opportunity for all of us to share our thoughts on issues of life- social, political, economic and environmental- anything!

Here and now henceforth, I will shoot straight from the hip. And I will not be surprised if you do a similar thing to me and twice at that. Let us share our reflections in a sober, informative and respectful way that cherishes the essence of a human being as a free thinking being and builds on it.

Once again and with alot of humility, I welcome you to my blog and wish you all the best in the discussions that will ensue.

Nzau wa Musau

1 comment:

  1. This is good man, keep it up and real, i will be checking it out!
